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Showing posts from December, 2018

Do I Really Need A Strategy For SEO Optimization? Why& How?

Are you really confident or sure that an SEO goal which you are working on actually fits your company objective or goals? This happens with many as when they start working on the SEO strategy, they merely focus on the marketing strategy and forget about company goals and land up doing wrong SEO optimization. There should be a close tie between the marketing strategy and company goals because don't forget you are doing marketing for the company only. This is why when we plan our SEO strategy we should do it in a SMART way to clearly define what is being required and how it will be done. But what is SEO? Let's first understand SEO, it is the process or a way by which the visibility of your respective website is being improved on organic SERPs i.e. search engine result pages. This can be accomplished with the help of implementing the website architecture, link landscape and optimized internal navigation, including the optimized content from the usability and readability